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Chov špičkových shagya arabů nedaleko Plzně

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Salim is the most successful Shagya-Arabian stallion in the Czech republic.

It is a pity that I did not presented Salim in his best years on

international shows.

Achievements in National shows:

2002 Písek Winner of the stallions, National champion stallions, Best in Show 8,1 points
2003 TlumačovWinner of the stallions, National champion stallions, Best in Show 8,14 points
2004 Kladruby n. Labem Winner of the stallions, National champion stallions, 8,24 points
2005 SlatiňanyWinner of the stallions, National champion stallions, 8,28 points ( The Best in show- our Shakira!)
2006 PoděbradyWinner of the stallions, National champion stallions, Best in Show 8,61 points
