Salim is the most successful Shagya-Arabian stallion in the Czech republic.
It is a pity that I did not presented Salim in his best years on
international shows.
Achievements in National shows:
2002 Písek | Winner of the stallions, National champion stallions, Best in Show 8,1 points |
2003 Tlumačov | Winner of the stallions, National champion stallions, Best in Show 8,14 points |
2004 Kladruby n. Labem | Winner of the stallions, National champion stallions, 8,24 points |
2005 Slatiňany | Winner of the stallions, National champion stallions, 8,28 points ( The Best in show- our Shakira!) |
2006 Poděbrady | Winner of the stallions, National champion stallions, Best in Show 8,61 points |
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basset hound grand grades mvdr.pašková salim shagya arab na prodej shagya arab shagya shagyaarab vtipne fotky