Stallion 781 Shagya V. – CZ/SALIM
5x Champion of Breeding Stallions and 3x Champion of National Show in the Czech Republic
Salim is licensed for studbook of Shagya Arabian, Czech Warmblood and Arabian Horse
Salim captures everyone with his conformation at the first sight.He is elegant and excellent in the type and his offspring shows to be succesfull. He is great at diligence, willingness to work, and easiness to ride. He has a pleasant temperament and he is very easy to handle, regardful, and ready to fulfill every wish. For these qualities he is called: Mercedes-luxury model. He is an all-round type. He showed all his qualities in the performance test – especially in Show Jumping (Slavia VS Plzen) and in the Cross Country (Pohorská Ves) with an excellent result over 8 point in each discipline.( photo cros )
40km long endurance ride according to the performance test started in Verušice, where Salim finished second in the race of seven horses. Unfortunately, due to injuries he couldn´t make a sport career. Before his breeding loan to Stud Farm Tlumacov, he had been prepared for dressage S level. After returning back he was injuried by another horse and this accident finished his expectations of sport career.
Stallion Salim is very smart and he can to do a few requisitioned stunts. He learns quickly. He is a great actor – he loves photographers (but he hates „ the zootechnical position,,) and photographers love him. He has always a good expression and he doesn´t spoil the picture. Salim is with his family – mare Shakira and their foals daily in a paddock and this shows his extra ordinary nature. We wonder his tenderness to his newborn foals again and again every year.Especially if the foal makes a mistake and demand for milk from Salim. Like a typical man, Salim prefers women taking care of him.
He is a horse of my life, he is a beauty, a champion but I love him for his amazing nature, his diligence, honesty, and for the fantastic feeling on his horseback.
781 Shagya V.- CZ / Salim
Breeder: Ladislav Provazník , Holice v Čechách | Owner: MVDr. Jana Pašková |
Line: Shagya db 1830 | Family: 74 Tifle db 1810 |
Date of Birth : June 29,1995 | Dimensions: 163 /158 /179 / 20,0 |
Father: Shagya XXIII Top. | Mother: 449 Ubayan-5 Top. |
Pedigree: Salim-původ |
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